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9th European Conference on Space Debris


Please note: The program below reflects the current status. However, changes may still occur.


All times given are CEST (Berlin/Brussels time zone)

Tuesday, April 01

09:00 - 09:30

Opening Ceremony and Plenary Talks

Time frame: 09:00 - 11:00
Room: Hall

09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 11:30

Space Surveillance Radar 1 (detections)

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha

Economics Legal and Policy - Economics and Governance

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:00

Lunch Break
Time frame: 12:30 - 13:45
Room: Lobby
Lunch Break
Time frame: 12:30 - 13:00
Room: Lobby

13:00 - 13:30

Panel 1: Are space debris mitigation technologies maturing fast enough?

Time frame: 13:00 - 13:45
Room: Hall

13:30 - 14:00

Coffee Break
Time frame: 13:45 - 14:00
Room: Lobby

14:00 - 14:30

Re-entry Risks - Models

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha

Space Traffic Coordination Models

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta

14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break
Time frame: 16:06 - 16:30
Room: Lobby

16:30 - 17:00

Lunar Space Debris Issues

Time frame: 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Alpha

Active Debris Removal - Design

Time frame: 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Beta

17:00 - 17:30

17:30 - 18:00

18:00 - 18:30

Time frame: 18:00 - 18:30
Room: Lobby

18:30 - 19:00


Time frame: 18:30 - 20:00
Room: Hall

19:00 - 19:30

19:30 - 20:00

20:00 - 20:30

Wednesday, April 02

08:30 - 09:00

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 1 (detections)

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha

Modelling Space Debris and Traffic Environment

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha

09:00 - 09:30

09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break
Time frame: 10:36 - 11:00
Room: Lobby

11:00 - 11:30

Impact Risks - Hyper Velocity Impacts

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha

Space Surveillance Radar 2 (techniques)

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta

Workshop: Identifying economic factors affecting viability of Active Debris Removal (ADR) Services

Time frame: 11:00 - 11:45
Room: Hall

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:00

Lunch Break
Time frame: 12:30 - 13:45
Room: Lobby
Lunch Break
Time frame: 12:30 - 13:00
Room: Lobby

13:00 - 13:30

Panel 2: How re-entry strategies can balance safety and sustainability towards a zero-impact future

Time frame: 13:00 - 13:45
Room: Hall

13:30 - 14:00

Coffee Break
Time frame: 13:45 - 14:00
Room: Lobby

14:00 - 14:30

Environment Capacity

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha

Astrodynamics Uncertainties

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta

14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break
Time frame: 16:06 - 16:30
Room: Lobby

16:30 - 17:00

Active Debris Removal - Forward looking

Time frame: 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Alpha

Space Traffic Coordination Systems

Time frame: 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Beta

17:00 - 17:30

17:30 - 18:00

18:00 - 18:30

Thursday, April 03

08:30 - 09:00

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 2 (techniques)

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha

Impact Risks - Models

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta

09:00 - 09:30

09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break
Time frame: 10:36 - 11:00
Room: Lobby

11:00 - 11:30

Space Surveillance Active Optical

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha

Economics Legal and Policy - Initiatives

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:00

Lunch Break
Time frame: 12:30 - 13:45
Room: Lobby
Lunch Break
Time frame: 12:30 - 13:00
Room: Lobby

13:00 - 13:30

Panel 3: From Data to Decision: open points for scalable space traffic coordination architectures

Time frame: 13:00 - 13:45
Room: Hall

13:30 - 14:00

Coffee Break
Time frame: 13:45 - 14:00
Room: Lobby

14:00 - 14:30

Astrodynamics Algorithms

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha

End of Life Methods

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta

14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break
Time frame: 16:06 - 16:30
Room: Lobby

16:30 - 17:00

Poster Session

Time frame: 16:30 - 18:30
Room: Atrium

17:00 - 17:30

17:30 - 18:00

18:00 - 18:30

18:30 - 19:00

Friday, April 04

08:30 - 09:00

Modelling Orbital Environment

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta

Re-entry Risks - Observations

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta

09:00 - 09:30

09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break
Time frame: 10:36 - 11:00
Room: Lobby

11:00 - 11:30

Space Debris Missions and Products

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 3 (performance)

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:00

Lunch Break
Time frame: 12:30 - 13:45
Room: Lobby
Lunch Break
Time frame: 12:30 - 13:00
Room: Lobby

13:00 - 13:30

Panel 4: Why is cislunar debris a concern?

Time frame: 13:00 - 13:45
Room: Hall

13:30 - 14:00

Coffee Break
Time frame: 13:45 - 14:00
Room: Lobby

14:00 - 14:30

Attitude Dynamics

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha

Space Traffic Coordination Collision Avoidance

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta

14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:30

Opening Ceremony and Plenary Talks

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 09:00 - 11:00
Room: Hall
Type of presentation: Oral session

09:00 - 09:15

Conference opening and logistics

Tim Flohrer, Head of the Space Debris Office, ESA/ESOC

09:15 - 09:25

Welcome address

Josef Aschbacher, ESA Director General

09:25 - 09:35

Welcome address

Rolf Densing, Director of Operations, ESA/ESOC

09:35 - 09:45

The IADC in the new Space Age

Andrew Radcliffe, Chair IADC and Chief Engineer, UK Space Agency

09:45 - 10:00

Movie Premiere “Space Debris: Is it a Crisis?”

Onirixel Film Production, ESA 2025

10:00 - 10:20

Real world consequence of Space Debris

Thomas Reiter,

10:20 - 10:40

Evolution of the Sub-Catalogue Space Debris Population in High-altitude Orbital Regions Based on Optical Survey Data

Thomas Schildknecht, University of Bern, Astronomical Institute

10:40 - 11:00

Modelling the dynamics of the space debris environment

Alessandro Rossi, IFAC-CNR

Space Surveillance Radar 1 (detections)

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

Monitoring the Small Debris Environment with Ground-based Radar: An Assessment of Data from 2016-2023

Alyssa Manis, NASA Orbital Debris Program Office

11:18 - 11:36

Tracking space debris using radar observations campaigns held in July and August 2024

Liliana Macotela, Norwegian Research Centre

11:36 - 11:54

Cheia Tracking Radar, measurement results and lessons learned

Liviu Ionescu, Rartel SA

11:54 - 12:12

Radial velocity ambiguity resolution for the pulsed space surveillance radar GESTRA

Simon Kollecker, Fraunhofer FHR

12:12 - 12:30

Observation of the fragmentation cloud of the Intelsat 33e breakup with the space observation radar TIRA

Delphine Cerutti-maori, Fraunhofer FHR

Economics Legal and Policy - Economics and Governance

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

The Cologne Manual on the International Law of Space Traffic Management

Jacqueline Reichhold, University of Cologne

11:18 - 11:36

Legal proposals for Debris Recycling and Disposal Solutions to improve space resources management and sustainability

Anthi Koskina, National Observatory of Athens

11:36 - 11:54

Understanding the effect of fiscal interventions on the future space debris environment

Indigo Brownhall, University College London (UCL)

11:54 - 12:12

UK Space Agency reporting of the Space Environment Sustainability Assessment (SESA) study outcomes

Jennifer Barry, UK Space Agency

12:12 - 12:30

Foundations for a Debris Offset Market to Fund Remediation

Matthew Wills, Sustain Space Ltd

Panel 1: Are space debris mitigation technologies maturing fast enough?

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 13:00 - 13:45
Room: Hall
Type of presentation: Oral session

13:00 - 13:45

Panel 1: Are space debris mitigation technologies maturing fast enough?

Further Details Will Follow Shortly, Programme Updates Will Be Announced via Email.

Re-entry Risks - Models

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Computation of the Impact Zone for Controlled Atmospheric Re-Entries with ELECTRA

Rafael Martínez Vázquez, GMV

14:18 - 14:36

Surrogate model to predict the stagnation point wall heat flux during composite material degradation

Maxime Lalande, ONERA

14:36 - 14:54

Casualty risk assessment of uncontrolled reentries after the deployment of the first large satellite constellations

Carmen Pardini, ISTI-CNR

14:54 - 15:12

Comparison of CNES, ESA, JAXA, & NASA Reentry Analysis Tools – Phase I - Model Descriptions & Component Survivability

Chris Ostrom, NASA

15:12 - 15:30

Review of 30 Years of SCARAB Re-entry Break-up Analysis

Patrik Kärräng, Hyperschall Technologie Göttingen GmbH

15:30 - 15:48

Objectives and Achievements of the Space Debris Mitigation Project TEMIS-DEBRIS

Ali Gülhan, DLR

15:48 - 16:06

Bringing SALSA Home: CLUSTER-II-2 Re-entry Strategy.

Silvia Sanvido, IMS Space Consultancy GmbH at ESA/ESOC Space Debris Office

Space Traffic Coordination Models

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

A Statistical and Parametric Analysis of the Effectiveness of Differential Drag for Collision Avoidance Manoeuvres

Daniele Bella, Seconded to UKSA from ESA; now IMS Space Consultancy GmbH

14:18 - 14:36

Algorithms for robust tracking of manoeuvring space objects in catalogue maintenance

Alejandro Pastor, GMV

14:36 - 14:54

A Modular and Scalable Collision Avoidance System for Enhanced Satellite Autonomy

Tiago Oliveira, GMV

14:54 - 15:12

Collaborative Validation of SAFE: Reducing False Positives and Enhancing Accuracy of Conjunction Data Messages

Davide Costigliola, Ecosmic

15:12 - 15:30

Statistical Inference on the Miss Distance Compared to Collision Probability for Conjunction Analysis

Soumaya Elkantassi , Université de Lausanne

15:30 - 15:48

Probability of Collision in Nonlinear Dynamics by Moment Propagation

Théo Verhelst, Advanced Concepts Team, European Space Agency

15:48 - 16:06

Characterizing Data Quality for Enhancing Orbital Debris Visualization Pipelines

Unmil Karadkar, University of Graz

Lunar Space Debris Issues

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

16:30 - 16:48

SSA Performance Assessment of Cislunar Periodic Orbits for Fragmentation Events Monitoring

Paola Grattagliano, Politecnico di Milano

16:48 - 17:06

Operational Experiences of Collision Avoidance for Chandrayaan-2 in Lunar Orbit

Ivanshu Mehta, Indian Space Research Organisation

17:06 - 17:24

Beyond GEO: Strategies for monitoring cislunar environment

Jonko Paetzold, GMV

17:24 - 17:42

Cislunar Space Domain Awareness using the Generalized Equinoctial Orbital Elements

Maaninee Gupta, Texas A&M University

17:42 - 18:00

Characterization of Consequences of Fragmentation Events involving Nuclear-Powered Spacecraft in the Cislunar Region

Carolin Frueh, Purdue University

Active Debris Removal - Design

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

16:30 - 16:48

On the Topic of Time Sensitive Recursive Optimization of an Underactuated Docking Maneuver

Anthony Aborizk, University of Florida Department of MAE

16:48 - 17:06


Adam Kall, Kall Morris Inc

17:06 - 17:24

Comparative Analysis of Simulated and Real-World Infrared Images of Space Debris for Active Debris Removal Missions

Naoki Okada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

17:24 - 17:42

“Filling the toolbox while defining the job” Product management at ClearSpace

Kees Van Der Pols, ClearSpace SA

17:42 - 18:00

Factors Affecting Feasibility of Disposal as a Service

Stanley Smeltzer, Northrop Grumman


Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 18:30 - 20:00
Room: Hall
Type of presentation: Oral session

18:30 - 20:00


Food, Drinks, and good conversations.

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 1 (detections)

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48


Oleksandr Kozhukhov, National Space Facilities Control and Test Center

08:48 - 09:06

Presenting BACARDI’s sub-catalogue of drifting objects close to the geostationary ring

Johannes Herzog, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt

09:06 - 09:24

First Light Curve Observations from GSOC-operated SMARTnet Telescope Stations with an sCMOS Camera

Yonathan Ascanio Hecker, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR)

09:24 - 09:42

Detection and Characterization of Space Debris Using VST/OmegaCAM Archival Data

Elisabeth Rachith, EPFL

09:42 - 10:00

Photometric Composite Fingerprints for Resident Space Objects

Moritz Kuhn, Airbus Defence and Space

10:00 - 10:18

European Optical Network – orbit determination of resident space objects

Cezary Migaszewski, Sybilla Technologies

10:18 - 10:36

Monitoring of objects approaching re-entry using data from global network of passive optical sensors

Mikołaj Krużyński, Polish Space Agency

Modelling Space Debris and Traffic Environment

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48

Statistically Consistent Synthetic Covariance to Quantify Operational Uncertainty

Guillermo Escribano , Northstar Earth and Space

08:48 - 09:06

ORDEM 4.0: NASA’s Orbital Debris Engineering Model - A Status

Mark Matney, NASA Orbital Debris Program Office

09:06 - 09:24

The Debris Mitigation Facility: Developments, Conclusions, Use Cases and Way Forward

Vitali Braun, IMS Space Consultancy GmbH

09:24 - 09:42

Improving MASTER Model Accuracy Through Strategic Sensor Campaign Design

André Horstmann, ESA

09:42 - 10:00

Status of the space environment: towards Zero Debris through orbital clearance

Emma Stevenson, IMS Space Consultancy GmbH at ESA

10:00 - 10:18

Assessment of Orbit Determination Accuracy of Radar Networks

Martin Käske, Fraunhofer FHR

10:18 - 10:36

The study of a debris cloud risk assessment in geosynchronous orbit

Ryusuke Harada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Impact Risks - Hyper Velocity Impacts

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

On the Effect of Impactor Shape on CFRP Spacecraft Structures

Martin Schimmerohn, Fraunhofer EMI

11:18 - 11:36

Sierra Space’s Flexible Multi-Shock Shield – Performance and Insights

Gerard D. Valle, Sierra Space

11:36 - 11:54

Rupture prediction for spacecraft pressurized titanium tanks

Robin Putzar, Fraunhofer EMI

11:54 - 12:12

Hypervelocity impact response of Ti-6Al-4V plates mounted on cylinders

Kumi Nitta, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

12:12 - 12:30

DebriSat Updates via NASA’s SSBM and DOD’s IMPACT Breakup Models

Heather Cowardin, NASA JSC

Space Surveillance Radar 2 (techniques)

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

A novel method for radar initial orbit determination from angular track and Doppler shift measurements

Marco Felice Montaruli, Politecnico di Milano

11:18 - 11:36

Stacking Radar Search Fences for Increased Range in Space Situational Awareness

Hans Schily, Fraunhofer FKIE

11:36 - 11:54

Resolving Multimodal Angular Measurements in Coherent Radar Networks using Bayesian Estimation

Isabel Schlangen, Fraunhofer FKIE

11:54 - 12:12

An Ambiguity Function Synthesis Approach to Designing Orthogonal Waveforms for Space Surveillance

Martin Käske, Fraunhofer Institute FHR

12:12 - 12:30

Modeling a Multi-Sensor Radar Network over Indian Region for Space Situational Awareness– Preliminary Studies

Sravan Kumar Venepally, ISTRAC ISRO

Workshop: Identifying economic factors affecting viability of Active Debris Removal (ADR) Services

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 11:00 - 11:45
Room: Hall
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:45

Workshop: Identifying economic factors affecting viability of Active Debris Removal (ADR) services

Further Details Will Follow Shortly, Programme Updates Will Be Announced via Email.

Panel 2: How re-entry strategies can balance safety and sustainability towards a zero-impact future

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 13:00 - 13:45
Room: Hall
Type of presentation: Oral session

13:00 - 13:45

Panel 2: What goes up must come down. New challenges in re-entry safety.

Further Details Will Follow Shortly, Programme Updates Will Be Announced via Email.

Environment Capacity

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Development of a Software Architecture for Comparing Existing Orbital Carrying Capacity Models

Lorenzo Giudici, Telesat

14:18 - 14:36

Critical number of spacecraft in low Earth orbit: a new assessment of the stability of the orbital debris environment

Hugh Lewis, University of Southampton

14:36 - 14:54

Examination of Uncontrolled Mass Per Year as an Environmental Index

Dominick Bologna, The Aerospace Corporation

14:54 - 15:12

Formulating the Space Footprint: A Model for Quantifying Space Sustainability

Vitali Braun, IMS Space Consultancy GmbH

15:12 - 15:30

Surveying the Capacity Metric Design Space and A Method for Assessing Capacity Index Heuristics

Miles T. Lifson, The Aerospace Corporation

15:30 - 15:48

Extension of the ESA tool for Tracking the Health of the Environment and Missions in Space

Camilla Colombo, Politecnico di Milano

15:48 - 16:06

EMISSARY – Environmental Management Initiative for Space Sustainability through Adaptive Regulatory Policy

Megan E. Perks, University of Southampton

Astrodynamics Uncertainties

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Approximating Orbit Uncertainties of Catalog Objects using Neural Networks

Matthew Popplewell, Advanced Space, LLC

14:18 - 14:36

Prediction improvements of SGP4-XP

Timothy Payne , USSF Space Operations Command

14:36 - 14:54

Investigating the Application of the Orbit Domain Calibration Method in Sun Synchronous Orbits

Santosh Bhattarai, University College London

14:54 - 15:12

Methods for Robust Propagation and Improved Covariance Realism in LEO

Piyush Mehta, West Virginia University

15:12 - 15:30

Adaptive Bayesian Inference for Space Object Tracking

Kyle Demars, Texas A&M University

15:30 - 15:48

From Space Weather to Orbits: An Uncertainty-Aware Framework for Predicting Satellite Trajectories

Sergio Sanchez - Hurtado, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

15:48 - 16:06

Using Spacebook and Cesium to promote and enhance flight safety

Daniel L. Oltrogge, COMSPOC Corporation

Active Debris Removal - Forward looking

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

16:30 - 16:48

Characterizing Field Emission in Electrostatic Tractor Operations for Geosynchronous Orbit Debris Removal

Ethan Weber, University of Colorado Boulder

16:48 - 17:06

Advancing ESA’s Vision for Sustainable Space Operations: Design for Removal and In-Orbit Servicing Initiatives

Marco Papa, European Space Agency

17:06 - 17:24

ADRIOS ClearSpace-1: In orbit demonstration of the removal of a non-cooperative spacecraft

Svenja Woicke , OHB System AG

17:24 - 17:42

Advancing Active Debris Removal: Achievements and Prospects in the Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration Project

Toru Yamamoto, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

17:42 - 18:00

Commercializing Space Debris Removal and In-Orbit Servicing: Leveraging Existing Mechanisms for Financial Viability

Sergey Gugkaev, StarTrail

Space Traffic Coordination Systems

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

16:30 - 16:48

A Holistic Approach for Deciding on and Designing Collision Avoidance Maneuvers.

Shrouti Dutta, Northstar Earth and Space

16:48 - 17:06

Assessing STM System Resilience in case of Fragmentation Events using MASSATS Digital Twin Technology

Guido Bartsch, Institute of Technology and Computer Science / THM

17:06 - 17:24

Conjunctions in the RF Spectrum: Results from an RF Measurement Campaign of LEO Objects

Valentin Eder, Space Analyses GmbH

17:24 - 17:42

Understanding the impact of satellites on radio astronomy observations

Siegfried Eggl, U. Illinois

17:42 - 18:00

Supporting the Community Approach by hosting a Collaborative Development Platform for the SST Core Software

Hélène Ma, Starion for ESA

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 2 (techniques)

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48

Synthetic Tracking in SST and NEO searches

Paweł Białobłocki, ITTI Sp. o.o.

08:48 - 09:06

Detection and Analysis Techniques for Optical Telescope Data and Machine Learning Applications

Corbin L. Cruz, Amentum Services, Inc.

09:06 - 09:24

Observation Criteria Trade-off for GEO Debris Cataloguing

Daniel Gil Calvo, Deimos Space S.L.U.

09:24 - 09:42

Dynamic Space Object Detection with Neuromorphic Vision Sensors

Yusra Alkendi, Technology Innovation Institute

09:42 - 10:00

A high-level motion control scheme for satellite tracking using optical feedback

Silas Fiore, Astronomical Institute University of Bern

10:00 - 10:18

Leveraging light-curve inversion for kinematic state estimation of uncooperative targets

Francesco Renis, Politecnico di Torino

10:18 - 10:36

Predicting CLUSTER-II-FM6 re-entry with passive optical observations

Matteo Losacco, IMS Space Consultancy GmbH at ESA/ESOC Space Debris Office

Impact Risks - Models

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48

A method to refine fragments distributions with impact geometry analysis

Pietro Tasso, "CISAS", University of Padua

08:48 - 09:06

2025 Current status of debris protection design standard at JAXA

Kumi Nitta, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

09:06 - 09:24

Development of a Coupled Finite Element-Discrete Element Code for Simulating Satellite Breakups

Erkai Watson, Fraunhofer EMI

09:24 - 09:42

Numerical analysis modeling for quantitative prediction of ejecta dispersal behavior due to hyper-velocity impact

Sho Kajihara, Meiji University

09:42 - 10:00

MMOD Risk to the International Space Station and its Sensitivity to Particle Size

James L. Hyde, Amentum/NASA-JSC

10:00 - 10:18

Long-duration Experiments Assessing Atomic Oxygen Effects on Thin Polyimides

Heather M. Cowardin, NASA Johnson Space Center, Orbital Debris Program Office

10:18 - 10:36

Observing the Unseen: sub-cm space debris insights from European Space Agency’s past and ongoing missions

Xanthi Oikonomidou, GMV@ESA

Space Surveillance Active Optical

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

ESA’s Debris Tracking Laser Network

Diego Escobar, GMV

11:18 - 11:36

Multistatic laser ranging simulations for improved orbit determination of space debris

Pascal Sauer, Astronomical Institute University of Bern

11:36 - 11:54

Towards an Engineering Station for performing space-debris mitigation by means of high-power laser radiation

Jens Rodmann, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

11:54 - 12:12

Space Object Attitude Estimation using simultaneous Satellite Laser Ranging Simulations

Sebastian Schneider, Austrian Academy of Sciences - Space Research Institute

12:12 - 12:30

Space Debris Laser Ranging: Moving from experiments to operation

André Kloth, DiGOS Potsdam GmbH

Economics Legal and Policy - Initiatives

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

The IAU CPS: How to protect the Dark and Quiet Sky?

Siegfried Eggl, IAU CPS

11:18 - 11:36

Lesson learnt from the first 18 months of ESA’s new Space Debris Mitigation Policy

Francesca Letizia, European Space Agency (ESA)

11:36 - 11:54

The Importance of Dark and Quiet Skies in Swiss Astronomy and the dialog with the space industry

Emmanuelle David, EPFL

11:54 - 12:12

Holistic Space Operations Framework

Darren S. Mcknight, LEOLABS

12:12 - 12:30

Debris Free Space Mission Initiative

Bulbul Mukherjee, Indian Space Research Organisation

Panel 3: From Data to Decision: open points for scalable space traffic coordination architectures

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 13:00 - 13:45
Room: Hall
Type of presentation: Oral session

13:00 - 13:45

Panel 3: From Data to Decision: open points for scalable space traffic coordination architectures

Further Details Will Follow Shortly, Programme Updates Will Be Announced via Email.

Astrodynamics Algorithms

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Improving Metrics for Satellite Anomaly Detection: A Comparative Analysis of Curvilinear State Representations

Jose Manuel M. García, Universidad de Sevilla

14:18 - 14:36

Improvements to SST Core Software: Advanced Software Engineering Practices and Integration of Track-to-Track Algorithm

Diego Ramírez Rodríguez, GMV

14:36 - 14:54

On the Arnold diffusion mechanism in MEO

Elisa Maria Alessi, IMATI-CNR

14:54 - 15:12

Monte Carlo Variation of Solar Flux Profiles and Disposal Lifetime Compliance for Geosynchronous Transfer Orbits

Juan C. Maldonado, The Aerospace Corporation

15:12 - 15:30

Addressing Space Debris-NEO Ambiguity: A Solution Through the ArtSat Information Provision Service (ASIPS)

Gennaro Principe, Deimos Space

15:30 - 15:48

Fast and accurate computation of the minimum distance between RSOs trajectories

Ana S. Rivero, Universidad de Sevilla

15:48 - 16:06

Model-driven assessment of space weather impact levels on the trajectory of floating debris in low Earth Orbit

Victor U. Nwankwo, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

End of Life Methods

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Galileo Constellation End-of-Life Disposal: Orbit Strategy and Application to First Satellite Decommissioning

Lukas Steindorf, European Space Agency - ESTEC

14:18 - 14:36

Design and Analysis of Autonomous Low Thrust Assisted Natural Reentry for Low Earth Orbits

Damien Courteville, ISAE-SUPAERO

14:36 - 14:54

Verification and Demonstration Results of ADEO Drag Sail Subsystems

Germar Puttich, HPS GmbH

14:54 - 15:12

Spin modulation for deorbiting with electrodynamic tethers

Giovanni Anese, CISAS "G. Colombo", University of Padova

15:12 - 15:30

Using the useless: Laser propulsion unit for post-mission disposal using a launch adapter as propellant material

Florian Scholl, SpaceTech GmbH (1); University of Stuttgart (3)

15:30 - 15:48

Detumbler showdown: preparing ADR by comparing the mass penalty of 7 candidate solutions for passive detumbling

Kristen Lagadec, Airbus Defence & Space

15:48 - 16:06

Developments in ISISPACE CubeSat architectures due to Space Debris Mitigation requirements

Lisa De Backer, ISISPACE

Poster Session

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 16:30 - 18:30
Room: Atrium
Type of presentation: Oral session

16:30 - 18:30

Poster Session

Attendance Of All Poster Authors Is Required, Room: Atrium

Modelling Orbital Environment

Time frame: Friday, April 04 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48

A space environment health situation report

Hugh Lewis, University of Southampton

08:48 - 09:06

Analysis of space environment factors impacting non-deorbited launchers’ orbital lifetimes

Mélissa Zemoura, CNES

09:06 - 09:24

Analysis and modelling of fragments A/m distributions from in-orbit collisions

Lorenzo Olivieri, DII/CISAS, University of Padova

09:24 - 09:42

Orbital debris in low Earth orbit: How the situation has changed since the advent of mega-constellations

Carmen Pardini, ISTI-CNR

09:42 - 10:00

An Update of the Top 50 List

Darren S. Mcknight, LEOLABS

10:00 - 10:18

Characterisation of fragmentation clouds and fragmentation event reconstruction for space break-up forensics

Francesca Ottoboni, Politecnico di Milano

10:18 - 10:36

Orbital Debris and Space Situational Awareness Activities in NASA’s Heliophysics Division

Alex Fletcher, NASA

Re-entry Risks - Observations

Time frame: Friday, April 04 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48

Airborne Observation of the CYGNUS NG-20 Re-Entry

David Leiser, HEFDiG, IRS, University of Stuttgart

08:48 - 09:06

DRACO scientific return concept: determining the truth of satellite demise

Beatriz Jilete, GMV for ESA

09:06 - 09:24

An Overview of ESA's Design for Demise Initiative

Marco Papa, European Space Agency

09:24 - 09:42

Re-entry Observation Setup and International Execution (ROSIE) mission

Jiří Šilha, Astros Solutions s.r.o.

09:42 - 10:00

An accident waiting to happen? Expected evolution of ground hazards due to space debris reentry

Andrew Monham, EUMETSAT

10:00 - 10:18

3D Printed and Self Activating Hybrid Demisable Joint Design for Large Satellite Platforms

Isil Sakraker Ozmen, DLR

10:18 - 10:36

Advanced Demisable Technologies for Satellite Structures: Hybrid Demisable Joints and PVD-Based Coatings

Jasmin Theobald, DLR

Space Debris Missions and Products

Time frame: Friday, April 04 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

Mission Analysis of Detecting Debris with a Near-infrared Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite

Seiga Matsuura, Kyushu University

11:18 - 11:36

Maturing Methods for in situ Debris Strike Detection Using On-Orbit Telemetry

Kristia K. Harris, Northrop Grumman Corporation

11:36 - 11:54

The Multi-layer Acoustic & Conductive-grid Sensor (MACS) Technology Demonstration on HTV-X3

J.-c. Liou, NASA

11:54 - 12:12

Mission Analysis on Small Debris Removal by Space Laser Satellite

Yuki Itaya, Orbial Lasers Co., Ltd.

12:12 - 12:30

Advancing Autonomous Collision Avoidance: The CREAM-IOD Mission for Safe and Sustainable Satellite Operations

Patricia C. Martínez, GMV

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 3 (performance)

Time frame: Friday, April 04 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

Multi Source Data Correlator Project

Robert Arthur, Neuraspace

11:18 - 11:36

Development and operation of CICLOPS, the Compact Imperial College London OPtical Sensor

Davide Amato, Imperial College London

11:36 - 11:54

Triangulation of Space-based Optical Measurements for Improved Space Surveillance and Tracking

Annarita Argirò, University of Naples Federico II

11:54 - 12:12

Performance assessment of space-based optical networks for debris observation and tracking in LEO

Antonio D'anniballe, Cranfield University

12:12 - 12:30

Wide Field of View Telescope Array Space Object Detection With Artifical Intelligence And Image Restoration


Panel 4: Why is cislunar debris a concern?

Time frame: Friday, April 04 13:00 - 13:45
Room: Hall
Type of presentation: Oral session

13:00 - 13:45

Panel 4: Do we have a Lunar space debris issue?

Further . Details Will Follow Shortly, Programme Updates Will Be Announced via Email.

Attitude Dynamics

Time frame: Friday, April 04 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Integrating PSO and UKF for attitude estimation of Resident Space Objects via Light Curves

Pasquale Bencivenga, University of Naples "Federico II"

14:18 - 14:36

Optimal Light Curve Attitude Inversion with Measurement Noise: Two Case Studies

Liam Robinson, Purdue University

14:36 - 14:54

Observational and Simulation-Based Insights into Attitude Dynamics of Large Rocket Debris for Active Debris Removal

Hiroyuki Okamoto, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

14:54 - 15:12

Long-term Spin State Estimation and Prediction for Defunct GEO Satellites

Conor Benson, University of Colorado Boulder

15:12 - 15:30

Predicting the Time Evolution of Space Debris Spin Period for Active Debris Removal Missions

Nicola Cimmino, University of Bern

15:30 - 15:48

Attitude determination using Satellite Laser Ranging

Pete Bartram, Lumi Space

15:48 - 16:06

Precise attitude estimation of an ADR target object by comprehensive comparisons of observed and CG-based light curves

Hiroshi Oda, JAXA

Space Traffic Coordination Collision Avoidance

Time frame: Friday, April 04 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Issues with Satellite Collision Risk Aggregation

Matthew Hejduk, The Aerospace Corporation

14:18 - 14:36

Advancing geometric conjunction filters to handle satellite manoeuvres

Ana S. Rivero, Universidad de Sevilla

14:36 - 14:54

Comparative Analysis of Collision Avoidance Decision-Making Across Organizations

Pavithra Ravi, DLR

14:54 - 15:12

Collision risk assessment during launch and injection phases

Juliette Prézeau, GMV Innovating Solutions

15:12 - 15:30

Collision Avoidance in GEO and MEO: SES’s Approach, Best Practices, Data Sharing, and Space Traffic Cooperation

Davide Menzio, SES

15:30 - 15:48

Debris-cloud collision risk assessment with GSOC Collision Avoidance System

Annarita Trombetta, German Space Operations Center (DLR)

15:48 - 16:06

ESA's collision avoidance system at ESOC – status, recent upgrades and upcoming evolution

Klaus Merz, ESA


Room: Atrium
Type of presentation: Poster session

07:00 - 08:48

Starlink Satellite Classification and Orbit Maneuver Detection

Ronglan Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences

07:00 - 08:48

S3TSR radar performance after the first major upgrade

Jacobo Martínez-villa, Indra

07:00 - 08:48

Feasibility Analysis, LCA and Demisability Tests of Wood-composites as Demisable and Eco-friendly Satellite Structures

Isil Sakraker Özmen, DLR

07:00 - 08:48

Field tests of the generation sCMOS based camera with edge computing capabilities at Creotech Instruments

Paweł Zienkiewicz,

07:00 - 08:48

Shedding Light on Space Debris: Adding Brightness to ESA's MASTER Model

Melina Kübler, TU Darmstadt

07:00 - 08:48

A new look at the Space Debris problem - Reorientation instead of Deorbit.

Ishan S. Dubey, Imperial College London

07:00 - 08:48

Characterization of Earth-Orbiting Objects Using Artificial Intelligence for Photometric Data Analysis

Gabriele Falco, Deimos Space

07:00 - 08:48

Determination of the RSO’s spin axis orientation using photometry data

Oleksandr Kozhukhov, National Space Facilities Control and Test Center

07:00 - 08:48

Sub-10 cm space debris: detection and initial orbit determination with a star tracker

Joel Filho, University of Coimbra

07:00 - 08:48

Multi-Objective Monte Carlo Tree Search for Autonomous Space Surveillance with Utility Vector Optimization

Phuong Linh Ngo, Delft University of Technology

07:00 - 08:48

Determination Of Ajisai Spin Axis Orientation (2009–2024) Using Photometric Patterns Method

Leonid Shakun, Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University

07:00 - 08:48

Space Safety Expert Centre: Services for the SSA/STM ecosystem

Palash Patole, Astronomical Institute, University of Bern

07:00 - 08:48

Functionally-graded ceramic composite shields: micrometeoroid and orbital debris hypervelocity impact modelling

Kayleigh Fowler, The University of Edinburgh

07:00 - 08:48

Cislunar Optical Track-to-Track Correlation with an Optimal Control-based Approach

Alessia De Riz, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:48

Space-based optical detection sensitivity to orbtial configuration, instrument and signal processing

Hugo Veuillez, CNES

07:00 - 08:48

Performance of a network of stations dedicated to optical survey and associated services for space safety

Alexis Petit, Aldoria

07:00 - 08:48

Measuring radar cross sections of common spacecraft materials

Jessica Headstream, Amentum Services, Inc., NASA Orbital Debris Program Office

07:00 - 08:48

Improved Catalogue Build-Up and Maintenance through filtering and sensor-based maneuver detection and estimation

Pietro Russo, University of Naples "Federico II"

07:00 - 08:48

A Comprehensive Approach to Efficient Cataloguing of Manoeuvrable Satellites

Paula Díaz Morales, Deimos Space S.L.U.

07:00 - 08:48

Wild Cards on the Lunar Table: Weak Signals in Cislunar Space Traffic Dynamics

Mélusine Lebret, RAND Europe

07:00 - 08:48

Manoeuvre identification and characterization from two-line elements data

Yeerang Lim, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:48

Effect of Spacecraft Attitude on Meteoroid Fluence on the Mars Sample Return Micro-Meteoroid Protection System

Alan B. Jenkin, The Aerospace Corporation

07:00 - 08:48

An Accurate and Efficient Particle Filtering Method for Attitude Estimation Using Photometric Measurements

Jorge Rubio Antón, GMV Aerospace and Defence

07:00 - 08:48

Physical interactions of space debris

Jouni Peltoniemi, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute

07:00 - 08:48

Modeling the position and velocity distribution of space objects by maximizing entropy with energy constraint.

Partha Chowdhury, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology

07:00 - 08:48

Aerodynamic Modelling in Re-Entry Analysis Based on On-Ground Free-Flight Testing within the TEMIS-DEBRIS Project

Patrick M. Seltner, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

07:00 - 08:48

Theoretical study of ENVISAT’s thermal IR light curves

Cèdre Mercier, ONERA

07:00 - 08:48

Arbitrary Zonal Harmonic Analytic Satellite Theory

Drake Gates, N/A

07:00 - 08:48

An unsupervised learning-based manoeuvre detection method for resident space object pattern of life characterisation

Riccardo Cipollone, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:48

Developing Probabilistic Satellite Explosion Modelling Methods for Space Debris Environment Prediction

Saskia Hawkins, ESA

07:00 - 08:48

Extraction and Analysis of Maneuvers in Starlink Satellites using Ephemeris Data

Ravindra Challa, Ansys

07:00 - 08:48

Quantifying Space Debris Risks from Government Space Activities

Yash Chandramouli, Amazon

07:00 - 08:48

Analysis of recent CZ-6A rocket upper stage fragmentations

Daniel R. Wacker, Institute of Space Systems, TU Braunschweig

07:00 - 08:48

Application of a controlled evolutionary model of the orbital population to target sustainable space utilisation

Martina Rusconi, Politecnico Di Milano

07:00 - 08:48

Launch Traffic Model for Space Debris Evolution Based on Historical Data and Economic Forecasting Methods

Wiebke Retagne, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:48

The Orbital Tollway Framework: A Pragmatic Approach to Sustainable Orbital Use and Space Debris Remediation

Polina Shtern, ISU

07:00 - 08:48

On the dynamical evolution of a fragmentation in the Molniya regime

Elisa Maria Alessi, IMATI-CNR

07:00 - 08:48

Trajectory-Informed Adaptive Multi-Fidelity Propagation in Cislunar Space

Cedric Petion, The University of Texas at Austin

07:00 - 08:48


M. R. Rajesh Kannan, Master Control Facility, Indian Space Research Organisation

07:00 - 08:48

Sizing an Exclusion Region Around Lunar-Surface Protected Sites for Disposal via Impact

Joseph Gangestad, The Aerospace Corporation

07:00 - 08:48

Propellant-induced Explosion Risk Assessment for Controlled Re-entries

Estelle Crouzet, ESA

07:00 - 08:48

Numerical models for aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures fragmentation

Alberto Abiti, CISAS "G. Colombo", University of Padova

07:00 - 08:48

Sierra Space LIFE® habitat: Enhanced Orbital Debris Protection with Kevlar® EXO™ CoreMatrix™

Jill Clements, DuPont Specialty Products

07:00 - 08:48

An Extreme Spacecraft Flux Algorithm for Survivability assessment under uncertain Space Debris Environment

Yuyan Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology

07:00 - 08:48


Christopher J. Cline Ii, NASA

07:00 - 08:48

Harnessing Orbital Energy with Bare Tape-Like Electrodynamic Tethers for Efficient Space Debris Mitigation

Gonzalo Sánchez Arriaga, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

07:00 - 08:48

Space Debris Impact Assessment for Aviation

Noelia Sánchez Ortiz, Arribes Enlightment S.L.

07:00 - 08:48


Lorenzo Tarabini Castellani, Deimos Space

07:00 - 08:48

Validation of the ESA statistical re-entry modelling tool DRAMA on ground-based optical data

Matej Zigo, Astros Solutions s.r.o.

07:00 - 08:48


Juan Gutierrez, Purdue University

07:00 - 08:48

Statistical analysis of destructive satellite re-entry uncertainties

Bahar Karahan, ESA - Institute of Space Systems (University of Stuttgart)

07:00 - 08:48

Survey and Tracking system for un-cataloged LEO objects using CMOS sensors

Toshifumi Yanagisawa, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

07:00 - 08:48

The Resident Space Objects Network: using complex systems for shaping space sustainability

Jerome Daquin, University of Namur

07:00 - 08:48

Exploring the Market Opportunities of ElectroDynamic Tethers for Deorbiting and Propulsion

Jesús Manuel Muñoz Tejeda, PERSEI Space

07:00 - 08:48

Technology Progress and In-orbit Demonstration of Electrodynamic Tethers in the framework of the E.T.PACK Initiative

Gonzalo Sanchez-arriaga, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

07:00 - 08:48

Accelerating ADR – A Global Referendum

Darren S. Mcknight, LEOLABS

07:00 - 08:48

Observation strategy for objects on decaying orbits

Radu G. Danescu, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

07:00 - 08:48

Space Capacity Methodologies to Rank the Risk of Orbital Regions

Andrea -. Muciaccia, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:48

Atmospheric Scintillation in Resident Space Object Photometry

Moritz Kuhn, Airbus Defence and Space

07:00 - 08:48

Orbital Re-Focusing of High Energy Laser Beams from Ground for Laser-Ablative Post-Mission Disposal and Debris Removal

Stefan Scharring, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

07:00 - 08:48

Co-estimation of pose and shape for unknown target in RPO missions

Daigo Kobayashi, Purdue University

07:00 - 08:48

Experimental and numerical study of hypervelocity impact on Whipple shields with varying bumper materials

Rannveig Marie Færgestad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

07:00 - 08:48

Tumbling Characterization of Resident Space Objects from Ground-based Observations

Maria Alessandra De Luca, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:48

Evaluation of Space Debris and Its Potential Usage for a Circular Space Economy

Beril S. Turnbull, Durham University

07:00 - 08:48

Feature Extraction for Machine Learning-based Single Photon Light Curve Classification

Nadine M. Trummer, Space Research Institute Graz

07:00 - 08:48

Attitude Observability based on Simulated Multiple Light Curve Observations from a Single Facet Target

Zhiying Wang, Technische Universität München

07:00 - 08:48

Collision Risk Estimation and Automated Mitigation

George D. Muntean, GMV Innovating Solutions

07:00 - 08:48

Multi-objective optimization of satellite deorbiting maneuvers considering collision risk

Giuseppe Di Pasquale, IENAI SPACE

07:00 - 08:48

RODDAS: Robust Orbit Determination and Data Association library for SSA based on GODOT

Pau Gago Padreny, GMV

07:00 - 08:48

Spacecraft Beacons: radiocommunication approaches towards interoperable autonomous self-identification and tracking

Sebastian Lange, Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin)

07:00 - 08:48

MajorTOM: Developing a tool suite to support regulation and monitoring of UK orbital risk

Samuel Diserens, UK Civil Aviation Authority

07:00 - 08:48

Assessing Growth of Hazardous Non-trackable Debris Populations in Congested Orbits

Anne A. Bennett, Northrop Grumman

07:00 - 08:48

Space Traffic Coordination Monitor

Kaarel Hanson, Guardtime

07:00 - 08:48

CMOS cameras in SST sensors: optimizing optical systems for LEO satellite tracking

Łukasz Sujka, Sybilla Technologies

07:00 - 08:48

From analysis to action: Insights and novel tool development for Space Debris Mitigation Reports

Inés M. De Chiclana Lama, European Space Agency / The Exploration Company

07:00 - 08:48

Atmospheric Densities Derived from Energy Dissipation Rate in Conjunction Data Messages

Hideaki Hinagawa, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

07:00 - 08:48

Application of AI techniques on optical space debris detections

Rongyu Sun, Purple Mountain Observatory

07:00 - 08:48

Estimating the Particle Size of Reentry Byproducts using Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Aluminum Atmospheric Demise

Jose Pedro Ferreira, University of Southern California

07:00 - 08:48

Performance, Navigation and Control of a Spinning Electrodynamic Tether System

Jorge Simon, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

07:00 - 08:48

Spacecraft survivability assessment in space debris environment based on debris cloud model

Baojun Pang, Harbin Institute of Technology

07:00 - 08:48

Risk assessment method for back-reflections from space debris in high-power laser ranging

Stefan Scharring, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

07:00 - 08:48

Photometric Calibration and Elevation-Dependent Atmospheric Correction in Multistatic Light Curve Analysis

Manik Reichegger, Technical University of Munich

07:00 - 08:48

First results from the Salsa Airborne Re-entry Observation Mission Campaign

Clemens Mueller, HEFDiG, Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart

07:00 - 08:48

Gaussian Mixture-Unscented Transform propagation during re-entry fragmentation for impact uncertainty quantification

Tommy Williamson, University of Strathclyde

07:00 - 08:48

Space Debris Mitigation Challenges from Different Regulatory Entities in the Design of NewSpace VHR Satellites

Pedro Prates, N3O

07:00 - 08:48

End-of-life disposal parametric analysis in cislunar space: Earth-Moon L2 escape no-return trajectories

Mathilda Bolis, DAER, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:48

First Results from the Newly Modernized San Fernando Laser Station: Commemorating 45 Years of Service

Manuel A. Sánchez Piedra, Real Observatorio de la Armada

07:00 - 08:48

In-situ Detection of Small Space Debris with the LArID concept: Breadboard verification and the path to a flight mission

Noah Ledford, Fraunhofer EMI

07:00 - 08:48

An automatically approach of space objects detection and classification

Cristian Omat, Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy

07:00 - 08:48

Numerical Simulations of Impact Craters Generated by Porous Solid Rocket Motor Slags

Masumi Higashide, Hosei University

07:00 - 08:48

Generalizable Bias Correction of Two-line Element Sets in the MEO and GEO Regimes

Davide Amato, Imperial College London

07:00 - 08:48

Decade of Advancement: Evaluating Multi-Party Computation Progress in Satellite Collision Avoidance

Sandhra-mirella Valdma, Cybernetica AS

07:00 - 08:48

Post-Mission Disposal Considerations for Rocket Stages

Lucía Ayala Fernández, Technische Universität Braunschweig

07:00 - 08:48

Utilization of Machine Learning for Comprehensive Identification of Low Density Thin DebriSat Fragments

Bogachan Ondes, University of Florida

07:00 - 08:48

Stratospheric Observation of Resident Space Objects Using Photometric and Infrared Sensors

Vithurshan Suthakar, York University

07:00 - 08:48

Implications of the SDM requirements on mission design, propellant budget, disposal timeline and operations

Laura Moreschi, Deimos Space for the European Space Agency

07:00 - 08:48

Quality Criterion for Orbits of in-situ Impact Detection Missions

André Saltymakov, Technische Universität Braunschweig

07:00 - 08:48

Yebes Laser Ranging Station (YLARA) - Space Debris and Satellite Observation Capabilities

Beatriz Vaquero-jiménez, Yebes Observatory (IGN/CNIG)

07:00 - 08:48

European Optical Network: Operational Services for GEO Operators

Óscar Rodriguez Fernandez, OKAPI:Orbits GmbH

07:00 - 08:48

The Debris Mitigation Facility: A unified framework for DRAMA and MASTER

Frederik Läuferts, OKAPI:Orbits GmbH

07:00 - 08:48

Tracking Radar Scheduling Optimization

Almudena Martín, GMV

07:00 - 08:48

A new large area detector for in-situ observation of small anthropogenic debris in Low Earth Orbit

Bence T. Varga, C3S LLC.

07:00 - 08:48

The Environmental Impact of Collisions with Large Space Structures: the case of Solar Power Satellites.

Pietro De Marchi, University of Strathclyde

07:00 - 08:48

SpaDeLab - Space Debris Laboratory of the University of Coimbra

Nuno Peixinho, Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço

07:00 - 08:48

Space Object Database for Enhanced Collision Probability Assesment

Emma Pignacca, TU Delft

07:00 - 08:48

Opportunistic Space-Based Orbit Determination of Resident Space Objects Using the TUBIN Spacecraft

Anton J. Große Siestrup, Technische Universität Berlin

07:00 - 08:48

Update on the ISO Space Debris Mitigation Standards

Hedley Stokes, Convenor of ISO Orbital Debris Working Group

07:00 - 08:48

The Open University’s All-Axis Light Gas Gun Facility for MMSD Research

Zoe S. Emerland, The Open University