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9th European Conference on Space Debris

Abstract, Poster, Presentation and Paper Submission

Note: We are pleased to inform you that the submitted papers have 
been published in our online conference proceedings database


Call for Papers (PDF)

Authors were invited to submit their abstracts according to the procedure described below. Extended deadline for submission is 25 November 2020. There will be no furhter extension of the submission deadline.

Each abstract (approximately 500 words) should clearly outline major achievements and innovative ideas. Abstracts were selected on the basis of:

  • interest in the subject by the target audience
  • relevance to the conference topics
  • originality of the ideas presented
  • quality and clarity of the content

Papers (both for oral and poster presentations) must be submitted in English by 10 April 2021, according to the “instructions to authors" (Word file, PDF, LaTeX Template). English will also be the working language at the conference.

Poster: At this virtual conference, posters are presented live via the Gather Town platform. More information will follow.. According to the digital format and for an optimal screen setting, the following specifications apply:


  • PDF file (maximum size: 3 MB)
  • One page
  • Preferred: widescreen (16:9)

The poster display will be scalable on the website. However, it is recommended that fonts and graphics are not too small in order to ensure readability on average screen sizes when viewed at 100%. Posters must be submitted by 31. March, 2021 via the submitter accounts.

Note: Poster presenters do not pre-record their presentations. In the poster sessions they present live on the video platform Gather town.

Presentations will be pre-recorded by the speakers (instructions for recording and uploading). Presentations must be submitted by 31 March 2021


Note: All submitters must create a new account for the 2021 conference. You can do this by clicking the button below. 

    Click here for submitting papers and posters



    • A submitter must be the author or one of the authors of the abstract. Please note that the submission system will not add automatically the submitter name in the list of authors.
    • Registration is not required for abstract submission, but presenters of accepted abstracts must register separately.
    • ⚠ Please make sure to use the same email address for presenting authors during registration and abstract submission: Email address of presenting author should be used for the corresponding conference registration and vice versa.
    • Please wait for a confirmation email after registering for submission of abstracts. This email will contain a link for activating your personal account.
    • Please keep your password safe.
    • Multiple abstract submission per registration/account is possible. A submitter should always use a single account for all her/his abstracts, and for submitting the corresponding paper(s) and presentation(s).
    • Please note, that presenting authors need to provide a short bio upon submission.
    • Editing of the abstract is possible until the submission deadline.
    • A “No Paper – No Podium & No Podium - No Paper” rule applies.